Sunday, February 24, 2019

Emerson Album: Some Random Photos

Willard is misspelled. Willard Beach is in Portland, Maine.
Dec 20, 1932. Nelson is the one with his mouth open, the other is Alex
Another photo taken at the Emerson House

Emerson Album List of Names

This is a list of all the names in the Emerson Album. I will try to list them in alphbetical order by first names. There is one unnamed photo of a man at Ohio State. Several of the women were art students in a college in a city, possibly Boston or NYC, there are many photos of beaches in Maine,  and summers seemed to have been spent at an Emerson House or Emerson Dorms.





Billy Van Hoewyk

Billy Verril

Bob Hatch

Bob Rigby

Clifford Willingham


Dr. Wright






George Evans



Joe Huber

Josiah Tubby: newspaper clipping with Lillian Welch, seems to be late 1940's

Lillian Welch: newspaper clipping, the Hayloft on Congress Street, seems to be late 1940's

Lou Wells






Nora (Aunt)


Rita: many photos



Sally: taken in Pinehurst, N.C. 1935

Scott Hamlin





Emerson Album: York Harbor 1936: Van Hoewyk, Scotty, Ralph, Bob Rigby, Lou Wells, George Evans

More photos from the Emerson album, two are labeled 1936.


Emerson Album: Marshall House, Rita, Joe Huber, Haverhill

The Marshall House photo, taken in 1934, is in York, Maine. Rita, who is in many photos is dark haired, probably in her early 20's. The man in the uniform is probably her father, the uniform appears to be that of a train conductor but possibly a police officer or firefighter. Joe's last name is hard to decipher, I think it's Huber.


Emerson Album, 1936: Van Hoewyk, Grover, Red Fox, Faith Croseman, Fran Dona

These are yet more photos from the Emerson album, the name chosen because many of the photos are taken at a place sometimes called the Emerson House, sometimes the Emerson Dorm. I believe this house is in either the York, Maine area or Haverhill MA/NH area.

There are several photos of a Billy Van Hoewyk. I find a William Van Hoewyk who lived in Brockton, MA, he was born in 1905 and died in 1977, putting him in the right age range. Other people in the photos include a Phil Grover, Red Fox, Faith Croseman, and a Fran DonaXXX (can't read last 3 letters). These particular photos were taken in 1936 and are very small, 2" X 3".

Please put Emerson in the search box to see other photos from this album.




Friday, February 22, 2019

Trips I Made 1927, 1928, 1929: F.K.B., A.F.H.

This is an album I bought many years ago on ebay. It is very unusual in that whoever compiled the album was very artistic and has drawn various designs on many of the pages. Today that person would no doubt be a serious Creative Memories scrapbooker. It's an album of vacations and road trips. There is not a single name in the entire album, sad to say. I would guess the people were upper middle class given the trips were taken in the late 1920's and included a variety of locations and many photos.

The only clue is there is a piece of birchbark on which there is a heart and two sets of intials: F. K. B. and A.F. H. The birchbark is dated 5/11/1927 to 5/15/1927.

I do see a photo that says: "The Romantic Chandler - Oyster Bay Fame" so maybe Chandler is the last name of the woman in the photo.

The album cover is embossed with the title "Trips I Made". The last page has a drawing "To be continued."

Trips: Great Falls, Va  May 14, 1927

Scenes along the highway from Wash, D.C. to W. Va   May 16, 17, 1927

New Jersey, Budd Lake, Rockaway Lake  May 18, 1927

Along the Bronx River Parkway and Kensico Dam May and June 1927

Liberty, Watkins Glen, Walton, NY  July 1, 2, 3, and 4 , 1927

Albany, Montreal, Springfield (VT)   September 2 to 7th, 1927

Boyd's Dam   May 14, 1928

Chester, VT, Holyoke, MA   Memorial Day 1928

1,000 Islands, Niagara Falls, Letchworth, Rondaks, Blue Ridge, Florries Knob, Poconos  July 7 to 23, 1928

Conn, Mass, N.H., ME, VT, NY   September 1 - 9, 1928

Atlantic City, NJ Feb 22 - 25, 1928

Groton Reservoir   March 25, 1929

Greenwood Lake, NJ   July 21, 1929

Wading River, Long Island   August 18, 1929

Lake Ronkonkoma   September 2, 1929

EDITED: I don't know how I missed seeing this on the 1st page of this album: "Florence and Milly v.s. the B.Fs."  So, it appears the women on the trips are Florence and Milly. Florence could be the F.K.B. initials on the birchbark.


Thursday, February 21, 2019

Missionaries to China, Probably from Kentucky

These are three small photos taken in China, probably in the 1920's. They were with the Asher/Slusher/Howard/Dickson photos from the area of Pineville, KY so assume they were sent to or by a member of one of these families.

The photo of the children says on the back: "Some of the kindergarten children. Some of the girls in our school take the normal course and learn to teach the little children."

A photo labeled "street in China" on the front says on the back:"for Matt, camels in the streets in Peking."

The last photo is of a group of adults labeled "a group at Liling out for a picnic." Liling is in Hunan Province.

Prospect School 1st Grade 1966/67: Miss Kostlevy

This is a class photo that is not in very good shape. It was in a bag of photos purchased several years ago on-line from Goodwill. The rest of the photos in the collection are of Ashers, Slushers, Dickinsons from Clay County, Kentucky and from an earlier time period than 1966/67. The only name on the photo is that of the teacher, Miss Kostlevy, which seems to be a Wisconsin name.

Update 8 January, 2025: there is a name on the back, in a child's printing; Sottel C

The teacher was Miss Clara A. Kostlevy.

James F. Asher/Euphemia Howard Asher

This is an 8X10 reprint. I would guess the photo was taken about 1880-1890. It is labelled on the back: "James F. Asher, Euphemia Howard Asher. Carolyn, these are your great grandparents on your mother's side (my grandparents)" Signed, Mother

I believe the 2nd photo is the same couple later in life, there is no writing on it.

Update 4/12/2023: These were returned to a great grandson in the April 2022.


William, Nola, Silas Slusher/Kentucky

These are three photos that were in a bag of photos bought several years ago at a Goodwill online store. William (Bill) Slusher is in all three photos. In one photo he's at Georgetown College, with his little brother Silas in another (the back of the photo says Silas is his little brother), and with Nola Howard Slusher in the third. They appear to be taken in the 1930's. 
With Nola Howard Slusher

With little brother Silas

At Georgetown College

Fannye and Mossie Asher/Kentucky

This photo is in a bag of photos I bought from Goodwill. There are mostly Slusher photos but some Asher. The two families appeared to have lived in Clay County, Kentucky.

I believe this Fannye Asher married a Dickson, and is the mother of Malcom Dickson, see his photo here: Malcom Dickson

Jake Asher/Kentucky to California

This is a single small portrait of a Jake Asher. On the back it says "Cousin Jake - Mom's only brother (Joe's) son - lived in California-was at Moni's (?) one winter.

Asher is a very old Kentucky name, many descending from Dillon Asher. There are some photos in the same batch from Red Bird, Clay County, KY, where the Dillon Asher cabin built in 1799 is located.

This was in with several Slusher photos. 

Ford Bowling/Possibly in Kentucky

This is a single photo, it was in a bag of photos bought from Goodwill. On the back it says "Ford Bowling - a boyfriend for 7 years. Waited and waited on me to marry him but he drank and I finally got him to wait no longer. He was 1 of my first boyfriends."

There are several Ford Bowlings in Kentucky. There is one born in 1929 who would seem to be the most likely one based on age of photo. Other photos in the same bag were also from Kentucky.

Malcolm Dickson III

These are photos labelled Malcom Dickson III, Age 2, March 1957.

I found an obituary for Malcom M. Dickson and it lists a surviving son as Malcom P. Dixon III.


Malcolm M. Dickson, U.S. Air Force, 1956

This is an 8X10 photo I got in a batch from Goodwill. It is of 2nd Lieutenant Malcolm M. Dickson. I believe the uniform is Air Force. The photo was taken on 18 June 1956.

Malcolm stayed in the Air Force and retired as a Lt Colonel. He died in 1994 in Louisville, Kentucky. 

His mother, who was still alive in 1994, is Fannye Asher Dixon. I believe she died in 1995.

Update: I no longer have the original photo, it was damaged in a water leak but this scan is at a high dpi and should make a good quality print. There is also a small print of Malcolm with his children, taken in 1967. I have that and will return it to a documented family member. 


Silas Slusher Family/Possibly Pineville, Kentucky

This is a lone photo labeled Silas Slusher family: Bill, Bertha, Myrtle. There are three girls and 4 boys in the photo, they appear to be siblings rather than parents with 5 children.

I find a Silas and Mollie Slusher in Pineville, Bell County, KY who had children named Mytle, Bertha, and William. They also had children named Millard, America, Floyd,Leon, and Henry. Slusher appears to be an old name in Bell County history. There are a few other Silas Slushers elsewhere but I couldn't find the name associated with both Bertha and Myrtle except with Silas Slusher in Pineville, KY.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Niagara Falls Visit/1934/Benton, Musselman, Franklin, Horless

This small photo is of two couples on the front porch of a tourist home in Niagara Falls. The names are Hazel Benton; Marry Mussel or Musselman; Ruby Frank, Franke, or Franklin; and Budd Horless or Horliss. The photo was taken on  19 August, 1934.

There is writing over writing, something about Ruby Franklin or Franks lives, 2576 E. William St. Decatur, Ill.  There was a Ruby Franklin living in Decatur, Illinois in 1935. There are also Musselmans in Decatur in the 1930's. There were also a Horless family, no Bud. There was also a Hazel Benton so it may well be all 4 people were from Decatur, Illinois.

Interestingly, I found an ad in the Decatur Herald paper dated 8/8/1934 advertising a roundtrip train trip to Niagara Falls leaving from Decatur on August 17th.



George Blumenthal, Chief Stewart, S.S. Israel

I do not know the source of this photo, I found it today while cleaning. It likely came from a batch of photos I bought on ebay 5-10 years ago.

The only name identified on the back of the photo is George Blumenthal, chief steward aboard the S.S. Israel on 21 March 1964. There are two other people in the photo, a woman I presume is a passenger, and another man identified as the puser.

Assuming it's the same ship I find the S.S. Israel was the first ship built by the Zim Line, a passenger and cruise company out of Israel.