Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Ellen Peelman Martwick Album/Returned

I recently bought this album at an estate sale in Tomahawk, Wisconsin. When I got it home and realized  it contained many childhood photos of the children of Ellen Peelman Martwick I notified the agent holding the estate sale, offering to return the album. I was informed that the adult children of the couple whose belongings were at the estate sale did not want the album. Ellen Peelman Martwick and her husband had 4 children; Roger, Muriel, Leona, and Marland. It was Muriel who had owned this album and it's her children who don't want the album or photos. I figure maybe the children or grandchildren of Roger, Leona, or Marland might want the photos.

The first photo is of Ellen Peelman, I assume before her marriage but I don't know that, the name on the back is Ellen Peelman. A brief internet search leads me to believe Ellen was born in 1897 in Price County, Wisconsin. She was married to Walter Martwick.

The second photo is labeled Walter and Ellen Martwick: Roger 1922, Muriel 1924, Leona 1926, and Marland 1928.

If you are a grandchild or great grandchild of Ellen and Walter I will be glad to send these two photos to you.

Update: This album was returned to the family in the fall of 2016.